Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's Official...we are now open for business! I am running this 'blog' style because I want to hear your comments. Let me know what you think about the patterns. If you are getting super creative and making something other than a picture to hang or a pillow, tell me! And please email me photos of your finished projects so I can post them here on the blog. I have 3 patterns for you so far...

Remember, to order patterns just click on this link:
It will take you to my Etsy shop. Call or email any time with questions! Also, there will be a lot more patterns added daily for the next week or so. I am going to put up all the ones I have done for now, and then I will add them as each holiday, season, etc...rolls around. There will be lots of new stuff, so check back often. Oh, and FRIDAY, January 30th I will be running a sale...BUY 2 PATTERNS, GET 1 FREE! Cool, huh? By Friday I should have at least 3 more patterns up, so don't miss the sale!
Thanks for visiting. Hope to see you soon!


Keith Van Orden said...

You are amazing! How you find the time to do this, is beyond me!
You are truly an inventive and talented person who I am very lucky to call "Friend".

Becky Shuler said...

Wow Heidi! I'm so impressed! You are amazing! Good luck with your new business!! - Becky

Amanda said...

Love it! Everything looks great!

scrapsidaisy said...

Heidi, these are so cute!!

Amy said...

Good for you! I know you can do it and your ideas are soooo cute you need a boyish tooth fairy pillow now!!! you are great! I wish you well and all the luck with your business! This world needs people like you because I am just of opposite I am NOT crafty one bit, so for us that lack in craftiness, we need you who are just full of it. Craftiness I mean.
Again good for you and good luck!

alli may said...

These are the cutest things ever! Can't wait to buy!

The Mighty Murray's said...

yea! I'm with you! Do you design on request? I did a piece for Maddie when she was baptized, and then turned it into her scripture bag. So I want to try to do the same for Sam, but there is not a lot of boy baptisim stuff out there (I haven't looked a ton because it is a year away..but you know). So if you need an extra idea, run with it! I'll be sure to check back. I love it!

Jennilynn said...

Look at you go! How cute these are! I had no idea the be mine was your design. I just finished making mine into a wall hanging for my sister.